Wrinkles and general volume loss

General rejuvenation without surgery for wrinkles and general volume-loss

Non-surgical rejuvenation uses various procedures to try to sort out wrinkles and general volume-loss, and usually includes the injection of fillers, usually with hyaluronic acid, anti-wrinkle neuromodulators, boosters, thread lifts, specific injections for non-surgical liposculpture, IPL, special lasers, other energy-based procedures, LED, regenerative therapies or chemical peels. Protocols are followed by using a technique refined by Dr. Villamarín. They can be combined or sequenced with surgical procedures for facial rejuvenation (facelift, 3D lipofilling, others)

Dr. Villamarín will study each case, looking for the safest combination of non-invasive procedures performed under local anesthesia to achieve excellent results. These combinations can be individually adapted within the non-surgical programs designed by Dr. Villamarín such as LIFTING MAKEOVER ® and PREVENT & ACT SKINCARE ®.

The anesthesia used is local, which may include anesthetic creams. Local anesthetic block is sometimes needed.

Recovery is variable depending on the procedures used but is usually between 2 and 10 days.

We also help prevent aging with recommendations and measures for skin care and nutrition and micronutrition in general.

All this combination of preventive and therapeutic measures without surgery, in the vast majority of cases gives excellent results and will eliminate mild to moderate cases of general aging.

The problem of facial wrinkles and general volume-loss.

Over the years, inevitably and for very complex reasons, we develop wrinkles and a general loss of volume on the face and neck. The correct management of these changes is a great challenge for any professional.

Dr. Villamarín, in addition to preventive measures, uses combinations of treatments to manage it, both medical and surgical. There is a wide variety of non-surgical procedures for the management and control of mild to moderate cases. Contact us to recover your lost image!


Pacientes que viajan

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Travelling patients

Enjoy a concierge experience to visit our Centers. We are willing to make the process smooth and stress free for all our national and international patients, who live far from our Centers, thus providing assistance with accommodation, transportation, recovery and even organizing sightseeing tours and more.

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