Am I a good candidate for a ponytail facelift?

By Dr. José Villamarín.


Surely one day you will have asked yourself: Am I a good candidate for a ponytail facelift? In this blog we will explain everything about this booming procedure, minimally invasive and with faster recovery than traditional mini-lifting or lifting. This way you can know if you can be a good candidate.

But what is a ponytail facelift?

Ponytail facial lifting or microlifting is a procedure or group of surgical procedures that seeks to improve the appearance of the face and even the neck, through minimally invasive surgery and maximum rapid recovery time (2 to 3 weeks), under local anesthesia with sedation.

It is called microlifting because it is based on very small incisions (1-2 cm in length and a few millimeters in depth), which reduces or avoids the complications that sometimes occur with the larger incisions of the mini facelift or conventional facelift, such as possibly  the increased tendency to hemorrhage, infection, deformity, or abnormal scarring.

On the other hand, we have these microincisions in a variable and personalized number in hidden or invisible places.

It is called a ponytail because the final result of the surgery can simulate the visual effect achieved by pulling a high hair ponytail, in which the tissues of the face are raised up and back to a certain degree, giving a fresher, youthful and daring appearance to the look and the face itself, without distorting it.ponytail lift lifting

And what is the ponytail facelift procedure like?

Once the incisional architecture has been designed for the patient, we introduce a special endoscope for this facial surgery and with other instruments, we lift the fallen tissues and fix them for many years.

We can combine this technique with others, such as eyebrow lift, blepharoplasty, facial fat transfer or other facial rejuvenation procedures.

Who is a good candidate for a ponytail facelift?

The best candidates for a ponytail facelift are:

  • People with slightly saggy skin. The ponytail lift or microlift has small incisions and there is no room for excision of much redundant or excess skin.
  • People with mild to moderate drooping of the eyebrows, eyelids, cheeks or neck. For more advanced cases it is better to consider the option of a mini-lift or a complete lift.
  • People under 55 to 60 years old. The general condition of your skin and deep tissues is usually better and with less aging and distension.
  • Asian patients. In general, the skin is thicker, and culturally people are averse to visible scars.
  • People with healing problems. The smaller size of the incisions can reduce the risk of complications.
  • People who do not want visible scars in front of the ear. This is an excellent procedure in these cases.

What results can I achieve after a ponytail facelift?

It is essential that patients have realistic expectations about the results. Our objective is clearly to achieve the goals set, but in some cases the changes are not drastic, but moderate. Hence the importance of choosing the procedure correctly for the patient and for the patient to understand the procedure and the alternatives.

There are a huge number of individual factors that can influence the final success of the surgery, including healing, skin elasticity, the patient’s previous condition and general health.


In conclusion, the ponytail facelift is a procedure that seeks to solve mild and moderate cases of facial and neck sagging through the use of minimally invasive surgery with endoscopy, hidden incisions, and usually under local anesthesia with sedation.

The best candidates are usually people under 55 years of age with mild sagging of the face and neck and who want to avoid visible scars after the procedure, as well as a faster recovery than with other procedures.

However, it is a complex and delicate procedure that requires careful evaluation, clear and complete communication between patient and surgeon, and, above all, realistic expectations about the results.

It is important to remember that each case is unique and that the best option depends on a personalized evaluation carried out by Dr. José Villamarín. If you want more information, do not hesitate to contact Dr. José Villamarín for an appointment in person or through his online consultation. Thank you.

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