Blefaroplastia lifting facial y lipofilling | Dr Villamarín. El Dr. Villamarín es el mejor cirujano oculoplástico de blefaroplastia y rejuvenecimiento facial en Madrid y Valencia. Resultado natural. Mejor precio.

Dr. José Villamarín

Medical Director and Founder

Eye & Face Rejuvenation


Dr. José Villamarín



Why Dr. Villamarín?



Specialized in oculofacial plastic surgery with previous training via MIR.


Expert with exclusive dedication in medicine and cosmetic / aesthetic surgery for facial rejuvenation.


International consultant surgeon full licensed as a specialist in Spain (ICOMEM) and with full license as. Consultant in UK (GMC LONDON). Dr. José Villamarín is fluent in English so he speaks and writes excellent English.


Founder Dr. Villamarín Eye & Face Rejuvenation Madrid Valencia London


More than 20 years of experience with excellent results in advanced blepharoplasty.


Training in facial aesthetic medicine and surgery in prestigious international centers.


Creator and author of innovative aesthetic procedures.


Surgical activity in the best and most accessible centers and hospitals in Madrid, Valencia and London.


Highly qualified and experienced team led by Dr Villamarín.


Safer and more advanced techniques, with the “Safe Surgery” protocol.


Innovative local anesthesia protocol, with or without sedation, combined with our own minimally invasive surgery techniques, for almost all of our advanced blepharoplasty and face and neck lifting procedures, both in Madrid and Valencia.


Personalized or tailor-made treatment of the patient in facial rejuvenation.


Visible results and above all, natural results.


Follow-up and continuous support


Evaluation of cases already operated on by other doctors, that is, secondary or revision surgeries.


Seriousness and honesty in the assessment of each patient.


Certified Member of National and International Medical Colleges and Societies.

Dr. José Villamarín: A prestigious doctor with more than 20 years of highly specialized training, brilliant practice and unreserved dedication…

Dr Villamarín is a prestigious oculofacial plastic microsurgeon and expert in facial rejuvenation, with special interest in eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty, orbit, periocular, forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, perioral and facial and neck lifting.

He developed a new approach for surgical procedures, with special protocols for safe surgery, and always trying to avoid general anesthesia. He manages the patient in a comprehensive way when you make an appointment. Please follow all the links above for more info about all the topics.

Blefaroplastia lifting facial y lipofilling | Dr Villamarín. El Dr. Villamarín es el mejor cirujano oculoplástico de blefaroplastia y rejuvenecimiento facial en Madrid y Valencia. Resultado natural. Mejor precio.

In addition, as a specialist in facial aesthetic medicine and surgery, he masters all the techniques of anti-wrinkle injections, fillers, fat transfer, peels, lasers or IPL. He is also interested in supplements such as the design of personalized diets and micronutrition, as well as the prevention of aging or the emphasis on regenerative medicine.

Dr Villamarín is a true specialist focused on facial rejuvenation. After years of international theoretical training and brilliant practice…, he has managed to create innovative anti-aging procedures and treatment programs, both medical and surgical, safe and with natural results.

blepharoplasty fat transfer Blefaroplastia lifting facial y lipofilling | Dr Villamarín. El Dr. Villamarín es el mejor cirujano oculoplástico de blefaroplastia y rejuvenecimiento facial en Madrid y Valencia. Resultado natural. Mejor precio.

He is passionate about providing exceptional, personalized customer service and seeking customer satisfaction. Honestly, he is a truly experienced, compassionate, trustworthy and professional doctor who cares about his patients as if they were his immediate family.

Blefaroplastia lifting facial y lipofilling | Dr Villamarín. El Dr. Villamarín es el mejor cirujano oculoplástico de blefaroplastia y rejuvenecimiento facial en Madrid y Valencia. Resultado natural. Mejor precio.

To highlight from his professional experience:

Dr Villamarin has stood out with continuous activity since 1999 until today, as an ophthalmologist, oculoplastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon, in various Spanish University Hospitals, such as the 12 de Octubre University Hospital, the Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital in Madrid or the University Hospital from Ciudad Real, to name a few of them.

He has also practiced for many years as a Senior Consultant Surgeon at the prestigious King’s College (world-class teaching Centre) in London, as well as in demanding private foreign centers in the Middle East.

Regarding his education...

Dr Villamarin feels a great responsibility to offer the best of himself at a scientific, technical and artistic level to treat his aesthetic patients at the highest level. For this reason, he does not rest in his commitment to continuous training and permanent updating in the best Centers and academic organizations in the world. Just highlight some of his Certifications, always with the best scores:

Medical Doctor degree in Medicine and Surgery (MD), University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, with the qualification of Outstanding.

MIR specialist in medical-surgical ophthalmology at the prestigious Hospital Universitario de Santiago de Compostela (number 1 in his promotion), with internal and external rotations in general surgery, plastic surgery and emergencies and a Fellow in orbital and oculoplastic surgery.

Training and clinical practice (fellow and practice) in two super-specialties: Vitreoretinal surgery and also orbital, lacrimal and oculoplastic surgery, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK, Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz FJD Madrid, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre and Hospital Universitario de Ciudad Real, Spain.

Master of Science/Diploma of Advanced Studies with research proficiency (MSc/DEA), Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.

Official on leave of absence, National Health Service, Spain.

Doctorate in Medicine and Philosophy (PhD), Doctoral Thesis in Human Anatomy, Outstanding Cum Laude unanimously (Summa Cum Laude), Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Head and neck dissector on human cadavers, Director of the research project on the creation of new surgical accesses and procedures in facial aesthetic surgery, Department of Human Anatomy, Medical School, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Passed USMLE exams (USA MD License), USA

Member of the European Board of Ophthalmology (Fellow, including Oculoplastics), Summa Cum Laude, FEBO Paris, France

Fellowship (training and practice) of Specialty in Facial Aesthetic Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, with the qualification of Outstanding.

Fellowship (training and practice) of facial aesthetic surgery, European College of Medicine and Aesthetic Surgery, Summa Cum Laude, ECAMS EU/USA. with Professional Certificates with theoretical and practical sufficiency as a hands-on first surgeon of: Advanced Surgical and Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation; Advanced Aesthetic surgical Blepharoplasty and Non-Surgical Periorbital Transformation; Surgical techniques of Facelift and Necklift and Panfacial Rejuvenation, SMAS and Deep plane.

The beginnings of Dr Villamarin...

Although Dr. Villamarin was born and spent part of his childhood in Germany, upon returning to Spain, he became seriously ill for almost a year, barely being able to get out of bed. Fortunately, he fully recovered, but this event definitely marked his later life, in such a way that at a young age he decided to become a doctor. His entire future life revolved around this idea until he achieved it, and he never spared any effort to achieve it with the best scores.  After being able to enter the Faculty of Medicine and obtain the title with brilliant qualifications, and the MIR exam among the first in Spain, he decided to do one of the most difficult microsurgical specialties, ophthalmology with advanced training in oculoplastics, in one of the best University Hospitals of Spain (University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela) for this residency.

And a revealing moment.

Years later, working in Madrid as attending surgeon in Vitreo-Retinal surgery, he had the opportunity to treat a patient with severe facial trauma. After deciding to successfully operate on her for traumatic retinal detachment and following her for months, he observed the Years later, working in Madrid as attending surgeon in Vitreo-Retina surgery, he had the opportunity to treat a patient with severe facial trauma. After deciding to successfully operate on her for traumatic retinal detachment and following her for months, he observed the severe disfigurement and the serious problems that the wounds had caused to her face and eyelids, and the difficult mental condition of the patient. This case marked a before and after in the career of Dr. Villamarin. He was involved together with the oculoplastic surgeons in the management of the patient, who required complex reconstructive surgeries. Shortly after, Dr. Villamarin decided to leave his complex subspecialty and dedicate himself fully to reconstructive oculoplastic surgery and facial aesthetics, another complex subspecialty full of challenges and also satisfactions.

In fact, cosmetic oculofacial surgery in particular was a perfect fit for his personality and her need to challenge him in order to offer innovative solutions. Over time he achieved the perfect union of refined technique, art in a creative state and robust scientific foundations to offer safe, innovative daily practice with evident and natural results.


Each of the 4 facial aesthetic programs created by Dr. Villamarín is based on possible combinations of facial cosmetic surgery and/or medicine techniques adapted to each patient and their objectives, in order to achieve visible and natural results.


The innovative solution to restore freshness and smoothness to your look. Wow us again!


Two innovative surgical programs for the comprehensive rejuvenation of your face. You will never miss those photos of youth again!


A professional, non-surgical solution to rejuvenate the eyes and face. Are you going to miss it?


An advanced dermocosmetic treatment to make you shine again. Because you deserve it!


Pacientes que viajan

Disfrute de una experiencia de conserjería para visitar nuestros Centros. Estamos dispuestos a hacer que el proceso sea suave y libre de estrés para todos nuestros pacientes nacionales e internacionales, que viven lejos de nuestros Centros, brindando así asistencia con el alojamiento, el transporte, la recuperación e incluso organizamos visitas turísticas y más.

Blefaroplastia lifting facial y lipofilling | Dr Villamarín. El Dr. Villamarín es el mejor cirujano oculoplástico de blefaroplastia y rejuvenecimiento facial en Madrid y Valencia. Resultado natural. Mejor precio.

Travelling patients

Enjoy a concierge experience to visit our Centers. We are willing to make the process smooth and stress free for all our national and international patients, who live far from our Centers, thus providing assistance with accommodation, transportation, recovery and even organizing sightseeing tours and more.

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