Why local anaesthesia?

Here we tell you about the special approach of Dr. Villamarín regarding anesthesia procedures.

Dr. Villamarín and his anesthesia team perform most of the surgical procedures under local anesthesia or a combination of sedation and local anesthesia, depending on the procedure, its duration and other reasons. General anesthesia is only occasionally used, which Dr. Villamarín’s anesthesia team performs with complete safety and advanced facilities. In any case, we try to achieve the safest and gentlest experience possible for the patient.

Local anesthesia with sedation (twilight) in Madrid and Valencia.

This type of local anesthesia with sedation has great benefits compared to general anesthesia: For example, it reduces the risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, we do not need to intubate the patient and thus we avoid sore throat or dental problems after the operation, has a faster recovery time, less postoperative headache, less vascular dilatation and bleeding with bruising, and there is generally no nausea or vomiting after surgery. The problem of vomiting and nausea generated by general anesthesia has important implications such as intense dehydration, malaise and hangover, and rarely aspiration pneumonia, inability to start oral medications or worsening of pre-existing hernias. All this is avoided with local anesthesia with or without sedation.

Local anesthesia and sedation, particularly intravenous, is very safe and effective. The adjustments made by the anesthesia team of this sedation allow us to ensure the desired level of relaxation throughout the procedure. With the use of reversal agents, we can lighten the level of sedation at any time.

The protocol of Dr. Villamarín and his anesthetist tries to avoid any type of pain during the procedure with local anesthesia or sedation. The use of special local anesthetics within the surgical act also makes it possible to control postoperative pain, and reduce oral medication for any discomfort after discharge.

Patients usually feel a little sleepy for a few hours after the procedure. We recommend that a companion take the patient home or to the hotel and stay with him for the rest of the day, for surveillance and support, particularly when getting up or lying down or going to the bathroom and for the first treatments. The companion will be duly instructed with the warning symptoms (red flags) and the steps to follow in the initial care after the procedure.

Local anesthesia without sedation in Madrid and Valencia.

In minor procedures, such as medical rejuvenation, we do not usually use sedation, so the patient can manage himself perfectly. We use numbing creams and special anesthetics to prevent pain in the middle of the procedure and at home, in the same way as local anesthesia used in sedation procedures.


Pacientes que viajan

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Enjoy a concierge experience to visit our Centers. We are willing to make the process smooth and stress free for all our national and international patients, who live far from our Centers, thus providing assistance with accommodation, transportation, recovery and even organizing sightseeing tours and more.

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